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Aparition Brillience and Connection
These paintings build on blind contour drawings that mirror slivers of time in which we live lasting 3-5 second (Stern). During the painting process I was blowing bubbles with my 3 year old daughter. Within the shiny undulating surface of these fragile bubbles I saw my reflection and that of my pig tailed girl. In this orb which grew and evaporated in a matter of seconds lies the mystery; these time-bubbles when a few figures expand meet and apparate... more
09 woman burning weeds, princess from the land of porcelain, and figure in black,_edited
08 Miss Cicely Alexander, figure in black and the princess from the land of porcelain_edited
07 the Beggar Maid, the Magi, and Adam_edited
06 The Magi, woman burnign weeds and the princess from the land of porcelain_edited
05 saint maurice, miss Cicely Alexander and the beggar maid_edited
04 figure in black, saint maurice, woman burning weeds_edited
03 figure in black, Adam and Woman Burning Weeds_edited
02 Saint Maurice, the Magi, and the woman burning weeds_edited
01 Adam, the beggar maid, and Cicely Alexander_edited
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